
Sparkling Amethyst Formation - cca 3267 g

Sparkling Amethyst Formation - cca 3267 g 21x14 cm. This is a gorgeous druzy quartz formation from the famous amethyst mines near Artigas, Uruguay. The crystals are a very light greyish/purple color and its spectacular piece. Part of the "rind" has been polished to reveal the underlying mineral layers, along with some of the stalactitic formations.
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1 882 CZK (85,55 Eur)
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Sparkling Amethyst Formation - cca 3267 g ,21x14 cm

This is a gorgeous druzy quartz formation from the famous amethyst mines near Artigas, Uruguay. The crystals are a very light greyish/purple color and its spectacular piece. Part of the "rind" has been polished to reveal the underlying mineral layers, along with some of the stalactitic formations.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz (SiO2) and owes its violet color to natural irradiation, iron impurities, and the presence of trace elements, which result in complex crystal lattice substitutions. It’s considered a semi-precious gemstone, and just two centuries ago was considered to have a value on par with diamonds, sapphires and rubies. The largest, and best known amethyst deposit occur in southern Brazil and Uruguay but many localities around the world produce an amazing variety of amethyst crystals and formations.

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